Health Professionals.
Palliative Care South East is an accredited, community based, not for profit organisation that provides specialist care and support for those living with a terminal illness or complex chronic disease and their families and carers, in their homes.
Our dedicated team is made up of multi-disciplinary palliative care professionals:
Specialist Palliative Care Physician
Palliative Care Nurse Practitioners
Nurse Consultant – Palliative Aged Care
Palliative Care Nurses
Occupational Therapists
Social Workers
Spiritual Care Workers
Music Therapists
Trained Volunteers
Our specialist knowledge and expertise enables us to effectively manage complex symptoms, loss, grief and bereavement. We will work with you to provide the best possible care for our mutual clients.
It may be beneficial to refer your patient to our service if they display any of the below:
- Modified Karnofsky score of below 50
- Phase of care – i.e. stable, unstable, deteriorating or terminal
- Frequent presentations to acute care
- Complex symptoms
- Complex care needs
- Home-based end of life care request
- Assistance with decision making regarding end of life choices
- Frequent inpatient palliative care admissions
- Unmet psychosocial needs
- Anticipated complex loss and grief issues

Dying is part of living and you are still living when you are dying
BJ Miller