
By clicking the button below, you confirm that you have obtained your client's consent to proceed with this referral, have read our privacy policy and will attach the required medical information.

Referrals to Palliative Care South East can be made by GPs, specialists, hospital staff, residential aged care staff, or through self-referral by the client or their family.

Our service is provided to residents who need palliative care within the city of Casey, Cardinia Shire, City of Greater Dandenong, and parts of Kingston. You must be living within these areas to be eligible to access our service.

Referrals are appropriate if the person meets the following criteria:

  • Lives within the service catchment area
  • Has a diagnosed progressive and advanced illness
  • Have given consent to the referral (this may include their next of kin or person responsible)
  • Has care needs that are assessed as requiring the support of a specialist community palliative care service. (Please note PCSE does not provide personal care services).



Via the online referral portal above.

To avoid delays in processing your referral, please ensure copies of all relevant medical information is provided i.e:
  • Hospital Discharge summary
  • Current medication list
  • Scans and blood results
  • Relevant specialist letters and doctors notes


If the referral is urgent, please contact our Intake Team during office hours on (03) 5991 1300.

Dying is part of living and you are still living when you are dying

BJ Miller

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