Support Us
Your generous donation, no matter how big or small, will help us to continue to support our community by providing care to those living with a terminal illness and their families and friends.
Our services are provided free of charge thanks to the support we receive from the Victorian Government, grants, donations and bequests as well as the fundraising efforts of our staff, volunteers and supporters. Your donation will be helping us to provide:
- In-home specialist nursing care
- 24 hour support
- Grief and Bereavement counselling
- Occupational Therapy
- Social Work
- Music Therapy
- Art Therapy
- Spiritual Care
- Equipment
- Trained volunteers
There are many ways to donate:
- Single one-off Donation
- A donation in memory of a loved one
- Regular monthly donation
- Bequest in your Will
You can help us to do more, by donating today. Together we can make a difference.
Palliative Care South East is a registered charity. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Deciding to leave a gift in your Will – also known as a bequest – gives you the opportunity to leave a legacy and support causes and organisations that have special meaning to you.
We are privileged to receive special gifts like Bequests.
By including a gift to Palliative Care South East (PCSE) in your Will, you will be making an investment in our community and enabling people with a life-limiting illness to live their best life with access to our full suite of services.
Writing or revising your Will is a simple and important step in managing your future plans along with an Advanced Care Plan. It is important to consult your legal advisor so that your wishes are not misunderstood or disputed after death. We always advise that you seek professional legal advice when updating your Will.
For more information on how to make a bequest, click here. To discuss your interest in leaving a bequest to Palliative Care South East, please contact Katrina Peach.
Katrina Peach:
Phone 03 5991 1300
Do you want to do more for your community? Are you a born organiser? Do you have lots of fundraising ideas and time to help out? Contact Palliative Care South East if you would like to be involved in our Fundraising initiatives.
We need your energy and ideas to help build a bigger and better service for our community.
Contact our Fundraising Coordinator for more information.
Phone 03 5991 1300
Corporate Sponsorship
You can partner with us to support vulnerable members of our community at a critical time in their lives. Together, we can make our community stronger and enable those with a life limiting illness to live their best lives whilst we help you achieve your corporate social responsibility goals. Partners can support one of our programs like Art or Music Therapy or our staff development program. You may prefer to implement workplace giving and match your staff’s contributions to us or sponsor an event. You can also make a regular donation to help purchase much needed equipment.
Do you provide a local service and want to donate some time to help others?
As a community-based organisation, we provide services to our clients and their families and friends in their homes. Families caring for people with a life-limiting or terminal illness often don’t have time to carry out day to day activities that we take for granted. It could be lawn mowing or a haircut, cleaning, floral arrangements, odd jobs, cooking meals or snacks – anything that will help our community to feel cared for during a stressful time in their lives.
*Palliative Care South East is a registered charity in Australia. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Contact Katrina Peach to discuss how you and your staff can help us support the vulnerable in our community.
Phone 03 5991 1300
Your feedback is important to us. It helps us to know how well we are meeting your needs and to improve what we do and how we do it.
Get in Touch and provide feedback or suggestions.

When we are motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of our actions benefit everyone
Dalai Lama XIV